LACK OF RESOURCES | The Dirty Dozen: Common human error factors in aircraft maintenance mishaps

  • Published
  • By Safety Directorate
  • Headquarters Air Education and Training Command

If all the parts are not available to complete a maintenance task, then there may be pressure on a technician to complete the task using old or inappropriate parts. Regardless of the task, resources also include personnel, time, data, tools, skill, experience, knowledge, etc. A lack of any of these resources can interfere with one’s ability to complete a task. It may also be the case that the resources available, including support, are of a low quality or inadequate for the task.

When the proper resources are available and at hand, there is a greater chance that we will complete a task more effectively, correctly and efficiently. Therefore, forward planning to acquire, store and locate resources is essential. It also will be necessary to properly maintain the available resources. This includes the humans in the organization as well.

Ensure that resource shortfalls are communicated to your supervisor, and if you are a supervisor, ensure they are passed up the chain of command. Commanders may have to assume risk to complete mission tasks without sufficient resources, but they are relying on you to ensure they’re aware of where those gaps are. Don’t assume that someone else has informed leadership about the problem, and guard against cutting corners to “make it happen” without the required resources to complete the mission without unnecessary risk.

Lack of resources is just one of the aircraft maintenance Dirty Dozen. For the full list, click here:


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