Dec. 3, 2024 Additional reimbursement authorized for pet transportation from countries with higher rabies risk In response to the new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regulation, the Defense Department has updated the Joint Travel Regulations to accommodate service members transporting a household pet during a PCS move from a high-risk country.
Aug. 1, 2024 Investigation finds inadequate risk management, ineffective crew resource management factors in CV-22 crash that destroyed aircraft, killing all eight on board The aircraft, assigned to the 21st Special Operations Squadron, 353rd Special Operations Wing at Yokota Air Base, Japan, was participating in a joint inter-operability exercise when the mishap occurred.
July 2, 2024 Hurricane Hunters fly Beryl The 53rd WRS, a component of the Air Force Reserve’s 403rd Wing at Keesler AFB, has been flying data-gathering missions into Hurricane Beryl, the first major hurricane of the season.
April 15, 2024 CSAF's 'Follow Through' letter includes training transformation focused on enhancing resiliency, human performance, lifestyle management Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David W. Allvin released his latest letter to Airmen, following up on his previous letter.
April 2, 2024 Safety enterprise announces new mission, vision, goals in 2024 strategic plan The Air Force Safety Center released a new strategic plan outlining new goals and focus areas to align with Department of the Air Force priorities.
Dec. 6, 2023 AFSOC commander directs CV-22 operational standdown The standdown will provide time and space for a thorough investigation to determine causal factors and recommendations to ensure the Air Force CV-22 fleet returns to flight operations.
Nov. 21, 2023 Air Force, Coast Guard partner for downed pilot water rescue exercise Airmen and Coast Guardsmen partnered for a simulated water rescue of a downed pilot during exercise Mosaic Tiger 24-1.
Oct. 18, 2023 Construction electricians learn to avoid electric shock, conquer fear of heights The Center for Seabees and Facilities Engineering Detachment at Sheppard Air Force Base instructs more than 200 Airmen, soldiers and sailors annually to meet the demand for construction electricians. As an Inter-Service Training Review Organization partner, students from all branches train together
Aug. 30, 2023 Airmen, Guardian, Soldiers lead way during Ranger Assessment Course Fifteen Airmen, 15 Soldiers and one Guardian tested their limits during a Ranger Assessment Course, the Air Forces’ version of the Army’s Small Unit Ranger Tactics, or SURT.
Aug. 24, 2023 New platform IGNITEs defense innovation AFWERX has launched IGNITE, a platform where defense users can search for and easily interact with thousands of small businesses that have secured previous Department of the Air Force Small Business Innovation Research or Small Business Technology Transfer awards.