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  • First Grey Wolf helicopter arrives at Maxwell

    The 908th Airlift Wing has assigned aircraft for the first time in more than 23 months, or 726 days to be exact, as the first of the wing’s MH-139A Grey Wolf helicopters arrived at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, April 3, 2024.The wing’s last aircraft, a C-130 Hercules, departed Maxwell April 8,

  • Airmen perform risky mountain rescue to save distressed hiker

    U.S. Air Force Capt. Robert Lemme (left), 341st Healthcare Operational Medical Readiness Squadron flight surgeon, Staff Sgt. Dominic Williams, 40th Helicopter Squadron special mission aviator, Staff Sgt. Collin Carbonemarron, 40 HS special mission aviator and Maj Bryan Ashton, 40 HS pilot, sit