Nov. 22, 2024 Incorporate risk management into holiday festivities By incorporating risk management into your holiday festivities will keep you and your loved ones safe.
Nov. 22, 2023 Follow these Turkey Day safety tips As the Joint Base San Antonio community gathers for the Thanksgiving holiday, it is important to remember a few timely safety tips to ensure that the holiday is enjoyed by all. Fire, food, and travel are the main concerns this time of year.
Nov. 21, 2023 Thanksgiving fire safety: Food for thought The countdown to consumption of turkey and all the trimming is on the horizon. The arrival of Thanksgiving also means many of us will be searching our closets for stretchy pants!
Nov. 20, 2023 Staying safe in kitchen, most perilous room during Thanksgiving The focal point of any American home during Thanksgiving will be the kitchen. This can be one of the most perilous rooms in the home if sound cooking practices are not observed.
Nov. 17, 2023 Give thanks through safety! As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, remember to incorporate safety in all your activities. Be prepared for the unexpected and remind loved ones to do the same by using proper risk management to keep accidents at bay.
Nov. 9, 2023 Turkey fryers contribute to more grease fires on Thanksgiving than any other day of year Each Thanksgiving, we anticipate a perfectly cooked turkey waiting on the dinner table like so many cooking show, magazines, and television commercials promise. Unfortunately, since many of us do not have the cooking talents of celebrity chefs (or their support teams), that dream is not always a