PASSING THE TORCH Published Sept. 27, 2006 By Col. Frank A. Palumbo Jr. AETC Director of Safety RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- "We will continue to be the one command that first touches a majority of our newest Airmen. It is this first touch scenario where we can plant the seeds of safety early on in a carreer." They say when the time comes to retire, you'll know it. I have come to that time and am about to join the ranks of the retired after Oct. 1. For the past two years, I have had the pleasure of leading the Headquarters, Air Education and Training Command Safety Directorate, responsible for overseeing all of this large and very challenging command's programs. My message has been constant: Safety is each individual's responsibility, and commanders are the ones who shape the safety culture in their units. Because of the dedicated efforts of many of our people and leaders, I believe we have had some success in improving our safety mindset across AETC. We have been able to hold the line on our flight mishaps, and we have kept fatalities to a minimum during the summer safety campaigns. I wish I had an answer to reducing private motor vehicle mishaps, both two- and four-wheel, but I do not. This category continues to hurt not only us but also the entire Air Force as it is where we lose most of our people. Obviously, if I were to make one big recommendation as I leave, it would be for all of you to work harder at reducing mishaps in this category. AETC and the Air Force will continue to face many challenges with force shaping and lean initiatives. Our mission in AETC doesnʼt change though, as we will continue to be the one command that first touches a majority of our newest Airmen. It is this first touch scenario where we can plant the seeds of safety early on in a career. I ask each of you to work hard at getting this done, as it is a large key in achieving success at mishap reduction. I wish to give special thanks to the Torch staff for being a huge key in marketing our safety message. If there is one thing we can be proactive about, it is selling the message. The Torch staff continues to put out a national and Department of Defense-level award winning magazine, along with the annual calendar and posters. Congratulations to them! I leave you in the fine hands of Col. John Blumentritt, coming to you fresh from running the safety shop at 19th Air Force. He will serve you well. My best wishes to him and to the AETC Safety Directorate in continuing the mission. Until we meet again, may God bless all of you.