- Immobility or poor mobility
- Surgery that lasts more than 30 minutes
- Health conditions that cause the blood to clot more easily than normal
- Contraceptive pills and hormone replacement therapy
- Cancer or heart failure
- Pregnancy (about 1 in 1,000 pregnant women have DVT)
- Obesity
- Pain, redness, tenderness or sudden swelling in one leg
- Skin that is warm to the touch in one leg
- Unexplained shortness of breath
- Chest pain or rapid heart rate
- Coughing up blood
- Get out of bed and move around as soon as possible after surgery or illness to avoid the chance of developing a blood clot.
- On long trips, walk up and down the aisles of the bus, train or airplane.
- If traveling by car, stop about every hour and walk around.
- While immobile, move your legs and flex and stretch your feet to encourage blood flow in your calves.
- Wear loose and comfortable clothing.
- Drink plenty of fluids (but avoid alcohol).
- See your doctor for regular checkups.
-- National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute