• When using electrical appliances and tools, follow the manufacturer's safety precautions, and routinely check the wiring. Overheating, unusual smells, shorts, sparks and sputters are all warning signs appliances/tools need to be shut off, then replaced or repaired. Unplug appliances/tools when not in use.
  • Have an electrician check the wiring in your house.
  • Never overload extension cords or wall sockets. Only use extension cords as a temporary means, not a permanent fix.
  • Do not place cords and wires under rugs, over nails or in high traffic areas.
  • Immediately shut off, then professionally replace, light switches that are hot to the touch and lights that flicker.
  • Do not plug surge protectors into each other -- it defeats their intended purpose.
  • Frayed wires can cause fires or severe shocks. Replace all worn, old or damaged cords immediately.
  • Keep electrical appliances away from wet floors and countertops. Pay special care to electrical appliances in the bathroom and kitchen.

-- Randolph Air Force Base, Texas,
Fire Emergency Services and the
National Fire Protection Association