My name is Dania Joyce Britt, and I live in Louisville, Ky., where my grandparents, Dantine and Joyce Britt, and the rest of my family reside. I attend Jefferson Community and Technical College in downtown Louisville, and I am going to be a phlebotomist. I carry myself as a young woman so that none of my teachers or classmates would ever think that I've had a ball of disaster roll through my life. I always walk around with a smile on my face and my head held high to remind people that tomorrow may not be promised, but joy definitely cometh in the morning. I always tell people, "Smile, Jesus loves you," because I know without a doubt He truly does.

My daddy's name is Tech. Sgt. Maurice Britt even though most people knew him as "Reese" or "Cheeks." My relationship with my daddy was weird because he was always in another country or another state because of his occupation in the U.S. Air Force, and I didn't get to see him more than a couple times a year. However, when he was around we had a lot of fun. We would make sure we went to an amusement park, go swimming, or some kind of daddy-daughter time while he was home, which was very special to me. He would make me learn how to work things on my computer while I made him new CDs to blast in his car.

I remember when my daddy and I were riding in his car singing a song together and we sounded so good, it was a perfect harmony. I think that's when he found out that I had been blessed with a "gift" of singing. Also we would run around the house hiding behind things to scare each other as we came in the house or up the stairs.

The last time he came home, which was in January 2009, Audra and Nathaniel came with him and I told him I was getting a tattoo. It was my first one and it reads, "Daddy's Leading Lady" on my left arm. My daddy was so proud of my tattoo; he made me pose a million different ways so that he could get the perfect picture of my tattoo on my arm all because it had something to do with him. He was cheesing the whole time and all I could do was laugh at that big goofy smile of his.

I remember when we called to sign up for the reality TV game show Fear Factor, but they weren't taking applications. What were we thinking? I could see him now trying to coach me into eating chocolate covered bugs and million-year-old eggs (LOL).

When I heard about my daddy's passing, it was around 9 a.m. while I was getting ready for my second day at work. My grandfather came over and told my grandmother and me that Audra and my daddy were in a bad accident. He then went on to tell us that Audra was in critical condition, and my daddy didn't make it. As soon as I heard that, I told my granddaddy to "stop playing" because I didn't think that was funny. But when I saw him cry, I knew it was real. Then I ran down the steps screaming, "Bring my daddy home!"

I didn't know what to do. I was so lost. I just talked to him the day before and then he was just gone that fast. Then I had to tell my daddy's sister (Sheila Webster) and niece (Akeisha Belcher), and that was the hardest news to bear. I heard Aunt Sheila screaming while I stood outside of her house as her daughter quietly cried.

I asked Audra's father (Ronald Lee) what happened, and he said a drunk driver hit them. By the time he said that, I felt as if I couldn't cry anymore because I didn't have any tears left. I told my family what happened and everyone was so shocked because that was the last thing to come to our minds.

My grandparents were so hurt when my daddy was killed because he was their only son and now he was gone just that fast. My grandmamma was so sad, and she always cries when she thinks about him. On his birthday this year, April 12, she told me she just looked at his picture and cried. When it comes to my granddaddy, I've NEVER EVER in my whole life seen any man that hurt. He and my daddy were best friends; and when he was killed, my granddaddy couldn't hold a complete conversation with anyone. I remember he was asking my Uncle Wilson to be a pallbearer for the funeral, and he had to hang up on him because he started crying. That hurt me so bad to see that because Granddaddy is my "superman" and to see him cry was like seeing the world end.

At the funeral, when the family was walking in, I put my black and yellow graduation tassel in his hand so that he would have his official invitation. As the choir sang "God Is," my granddaddy stood up with my little brother, Nathaniel, in his arms. Nate asked granddaddy if he was sad. When he said "yes," Nate said "me too." I think that really touched my grandfather's heart because Nate is so young.

I tried my best not to cry as my cousin, Rev. Norman Williams, gave the eulogy. But when he mentioned my graduation, the tears just flowed from my eyes. Then when the funeral was over and the casket was rolled away, I could do nothing but cry because I felt like my daddy was being taken from me. When we got to the graveyard and the rifles sounded off, I felt good inside because I felt like my father was being honored for all of his achievements. I really appreciated that part of the ceremony and also the part when they gave me the flag after it was folded.

One of the things I miss most about my daddy is how his hands were so big, he would dry my whole face with one hand (at the pool). To me, my daddy was huge and I had never seen anyone that tall. He was like a giant to me. When I was little, he was the only person I knew who could reach the top of the refrigerator. And he was the only person I knew who had feet that probably came to my knees.

My daddy has missed and will miss some of the most important events in my life because of his death, such as my senior prom, my graduation, my marriage and the birth of my children. It bothers me sometimes, but I have to remember that my Lord and Savior will always be there to stand by me and see me through any situation as He has before. I also have to remind some people that the Lord is my strength because they don't understand how I made it through that time in my life. My life is an exact replica of the footprints poem, written by Mary Stevenson; because when I felt I could no longer go on, there were only one set of footprints, which was, and still is, Jesus carrying me.

Out of this situation, I've gained a couple of people and things that I am so grateful for. I have gained strength, peace and joy. I have a big sister that was sent from above and her name is Staff Sgt. Natca N. Moye. She was my father's cadet, and this woman of God is definitely meant to be in my life. The dictionary should have her picture next to the words sister, friend and woman. I have gained a closer relationship with my granddaddy. Most importantly of all ... I gave my life to Christ, who is my rock.

One thing that I want people to learn from this sad event is that tomorrow is not promised, and you should never take life for granted because "if you live by the sword, you die by the sword" (Matthew 26:52). Live your life right, and make peace with whoever it may be in your life that you need to. And please don't drink and drive because you never know who you will affect. My brother Nathaniel and I no longer have a daddy, and we no longer have a mother/stepmother because of this tragedy. In the end we only have each other and God.

To those who have lost their parents to a drunk driver, I want you to know that it will get better. It hurts so bad to know that you have no control over what happened but you must pray for the driver and not hold a grudge. You may have sleepless nights, but I can guarantee you that the Lord is great will bring you comfort as it says in Isaiah 51:12. You don't have to sit around depressed, because like I've said before "Joy cometh in the morning."